EECS 211, Course Code: 18410
Quarter: Winter Quarter 2008
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Course Description
EECS211 Advanced System Software (3) W.
Study of operating systems including interprocess communication, scheduling,
resource management, concurrency, reliability, validation, protection and security,
and distributed computing support.
System software design languages and modeling analysis.
Prerequisite: EECS112 and EECS111; or consent of instructor.
Formerly ECE231.
Course Objectives and Outcomes
Course objectives represent what the course strives to accomplish.
Course outcomes represent what will be measured to determine
if the course met its objectives.
Course Objectives:
- To clearly understand the concepts that underlie operating systems.
- To be able to use actual operating systems effectively.
- To be able to analyze, design and develop essential parts
of operating systems.
Course Outcomes:
- Students understand advanced concepts used in operating systems.
- Students are able to use advanced operating system concepts
in programming.
- Students are able to develop essential parts of operating systems.
Course Resources
- Text book:
A. Silberschatz, P. B. Galvin, G. Gagne:
Operating System Concepts,
7th Edition,
John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
ISBN 0-471-69466-5
- Course web site
online at
Course Contents
Week |
Topic |
Reading |
0 |
Introduction, course set up, overview |
Ch. 1 - 2 |
1 |
Processes, threads, scheduling, synchronization, deadlocks |
Ch. 3 - 7 |
2 |
Memory management, virtual memory |
Ch. 8 - 9 |
3 |
File systems, interface, implementation |
Ch. 10 - 11 |
4 |
I/O systems |
Ch. 13 |
5 |
Protection, security |
Ch. 14 - 15 |
6 |
Distributed systems, file systems |
Ch. 16 - 17 |
7 |
Distributed coordination |
Ch. 18 |
8 |
Realtime, multimedia systems |
Ch. 19 - 20 |
9 |
Case studies |
Ch. 21 - 22 |
10 |
Course review, wrap up |
n/a |
- Note that contents are tentative and may change.
- Please see the Schedule page
for up-to-date scheduling information.
Course Policies
Attendance Policy:
Attendance and active participation is required.
Assignments are listed on the Assignments
course web page and will be assigned on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.
Submission instructions and due dates will be listed with each assignment.
The deadline for assignments is hard.
Home work turned in after the due date will not be graded
and will receive no credit.
The course includes one prerequisite quiz and one midterm examination,
scheduled as listed on the Schedule page.
Final examinations are administered during examination week
at the time announced by the Office of the Registrar.
Grading Policy:
The final grade for the course will be calculated as a weighted sum
of the points scored in the quiz, the assignments, the midterm,
and the final examination, as follows:
- 10% Prerequisite quiz
- 30% Assignments
- 30% Midterm
- 30% Final examination
Academic Honesty:
The complete policy statement on academic honesty is published
in the Schedule of Classes.
Dishonesty will not be tolerated.