EECS 22L, Course Code: 18020
Quarter: Winter Quarter 2018

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Chess Game Tournament

Time and location:

5:00 PM - 8:50PM, Thu., Feb. 8 2018, ELH 110 & PCB 1300

Tournament Results

Tournament Highlights

Tournament Bracket

Seating Arrangements

The tournament rules:

  1. Round one (26 teams split into 2 groups of 13 (1 group/room), 1 hour):
    • Teams 1-13 will be playing in ELH 110, and teams 14-26 in PCB 1300. Each team will be assigned randomly to a position inside the room, position designated by one of the letters A-M.
    • The 13 teams/room will divided into 3 groups of 3 teams and one group of 4 teams: group 1 (A, B, C, D), group 2 (E, F, G), group 3 (H, I, J), group 4 (K, L, M).
    • In the groups of 3 teams. Each team competes with the other 2 teams in the same group, chooses white AI VS black AI then black AI VS white AI, thus in total there will be 4 games for each team. At the end, the team with the most points will go to the next step.
    • In the groups of 4 teams (A,B,C,D), team A will compete with team B and teams C will also compete with team D. Each game will be played in 2 legs (white AI VS black AI then black AI VS white AI). The losers will compete to get some extra points, but they wont have the chance to advance to the next round. The winners will compete to determine which team moves to the next round. In total, each team is competing with 2 teams. In total there will be 4 games for each team.
    • Each team provides at least 2 players and 1 observer per game;
      • One player stays at home station to operate its white AI (thus "black" should be chosen under the program's human VS AI mode)
      • The other player goes to a guest station to operate the black AI and compete with the opponent's white AI (thus "white" should be chosen under the program's human VS AI mode)
      • More games can be done in parallel if more players are provided
      • The observer monitors other teams playing and keeps an eye on the time via this (Online Chess Clock), reports the results to the TAs
    • Max time allowed per game: 20 minutes (<= 10 minutes for each side)
    • One team from each group of 3 or 4 teams moves on to the second round (4 teams per room). If 2 or more teams from one group have the same score, the advancing team is selected randomly.
    • Only one game between every two teams in the following rounds, the start side is decided randomly by tossing a coin
  2. Round two (8 teams, Room: SSPA 1100, 20 minutes):
    • Group 1's winning team (Q1) VS Group 2's winning team (Q2); the winner will be designated S1.
    • Group 3's winning team (Q3) VS Group 4's winning team (Q4); the winner will be designated S2.
    • Group 5's winning team (Q5) VS Group 6's winning team (Q6); the winner will be designated S3.
    • Group 7's winning team (Q7) VS Group 8's winning team (Q8); the winner will be designated S4.
  3. Round three (4 teams, same room as Round 2, 45 minutes):
    • S1 VS S4; the winner will be SW1, the loser, SL1.
    • S2 VS S3; the winner will be SW2, the loser, SL2.
    • SW1 VS SW2; the winner gets 1st place, the loser, 2nd place.
    • SL1 VS SL2; the winner gets 3rd place, the loser, 4th place.


How do two teams compete?

It is the two AIs of both teams that compete with each other.
One player from team A and another one from team B operate their computer program to make team A's AI compete with team B's. The white side (AI) moves the piece first. Thus you do not have to be advanced chess players yourselves. For example:

The team with the strongest AI can win up to 5 games (25 bonus points).


May the best team win!


Last updated: 2/8/2017
The Electronic Educational Environment
University of California, Irvine
(viewed times since 12/01/17).