EECS 22, Course Code: 18060
Quarter: Fall Quarter 2012

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Detailed Class Schedule

(last update: Dec 6, 2012)

Week Tuesday Thursday
Sep 27
Lecture 1: Introduction
  • Course administration, set up, Linux server
  • Review of simple C programs
Oct 2
Lecture 2: Review of basic types and operators
  • Tokens, keywords
  • Basic types, constants, operators
  • Formatted input, output
Oct 4
Lecture 3: Review of control-flow statements
  • Sequential execution, compound statements
  • Conditional execution, if/switch statements
  • Repeated execution, loop statements
Oct 9
Lecture 4: Review of arrays
  • Arrays, multidimensional arrays
  • Passing arrays to functions
  • Application example PhotoLab
Oct 11
Lecture 5: Review of functions
  • Function declaration, definition, call
  • Hierarchy of functions, function call graph, stack, trace
  • Long jump, recursion
Oct 16
Lecture 6: Scope, Storage Classes
  • Scope, variable lifetimes
  • Memory organization, segmentation
  • Storage classes
Oct 18
Lecture 7: Compiler components, translation units
  • Preprocessor, compiler, linker
  • Modules, translation units
  • Application example PhotoLab2
Oct 23
Lecture 8: Make, Makefile
  • Make, Makefile
  • Rules, targets and dependencies
  • Advanced features
Oct 25
Lecture 9: Assertions and debugging
  • Using and disabling assertions
  • Source level debugger GDB
  • Data display debugger DDD
Oct 30
Lecture 10: Review
  • Syntax and semantics of C programs
  • Types, expressions, statements, functions
  • Recursion, modules, Makefile, debugging
Nov 1
Midterm Exam: Programming in C
  • Syntax and semantics of C programs
  • Types, expressions, statements, functions
  • Recursion, modules, Makefile, debugging
Nov 6
Lecture 11: Data structures
  • Course administration: midterm exam, review
  • Course administration: midterm course evaluation
  • Structures, unions, enumerators, bit fields, type defs
Nov 8
Lecture 12: Dynamic data structures
  • Objects in memory, pointers
  • Dynamic data structures, memory allocation
  • Validating dynamic memory accesses, valgrind
Nov 13
Lecture 13: Dynamic data structures
  • Pointer arithmetic, comparison
  • Pointer and array equivalence
  • Array layout in linear address space
Nov 15
Lecture 14: Dynamic data structures
  • Linked lists
  • Double-linked list
  • Example: List of student records
Nov 20
Lecture 15: Dynamic data structures
  • Double-linked list
  • Element insertion
  • Example: List of student records
Nov 22
Holiday: Thanksgiving
Nov 27
Lecture 16: Dynamic data structures
  • Pointers to functions
  • Sorted double-linked list
  • Example: List of student records
Nov 29
Lecture 17: Command line tools and file I/O
  • Command line arguments argc, argv
  • File processing, I/O streams
  • Example: Tool to sort student records
Dec 4
Lecture 18: Advanced C programming
  • Type conversion, types in expressions, type qualifiers
  • Passing data to/from functions, variable argument lists
  • String operations, standard library functions
Dec 6
Lecture 19: Advanced C programming, Review
  • Course wrap up
  • Review quiz
Dec 11
Final Exam:
10:30am - 12:30pm

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