Week |
Tuesday |
Thursday |
January 7
Lecture 1: Introduction and setup
- Course overview, administration, set up
- Introduction to embedded system design
- Levels of abstraction, top-down design flow
January 9
Lecture 2: Embedded system modeling
- Models of computation
- System-level description languages
- Separation of concerns, plug-and-play
January 14
Lecture 3: SpecC system-level description language
- SpecC language foundation, types
- Structural and behavioral hierarchy
- Exception handling
January 16
Lecture 4: SpecC system-level description language
- Communication and synchronization
- Timing and timing contraints
- Library support, persistent annotation
January 21
Lecture 5: SpecC system-level description language
- Communication and synchronization
- Standard channel library
- SpecC tools
January 23
Lecture 6: SystemC system-level description language
January 28
Lecture 7: SystemC system-level description language
- SystemC from the ground up
(Part 1)
- Introduction and core concepts
- SystemC modeling syntax
January 30
Lecture 8: SystemC system-level description language
- SystemC from the ground up
(Part 2)
- SystemC ports, exports
- SystemC bus modeling example
February 4
Lecture 9: SLDL execution semantics
- Specification of SLDL semantics
- Execution and simulation semantics
- Discrete event simulation algorithm
February 6
Lecture 10: Embedded system specification
- Test bench structure and communication
- Structural test bench for application example
- Control flow for stream processing
February 11
Lecture 11: Embedded system specification
- Specification essentials
- Specification modeling guidelines
- Structural refinement of DUT
February 13
Lecture 12: Embedded system design exploration
- Top-down design methodology
- Specification modeling guidelines
- System-on-Chip Environment (SCE) demo, part 1
February 18
Lecture 13: Embedded system design exploration
- Specify-explore-refined design flow
- Performance profiling and estimation
- System-on-Chip Environment (SCE) demo, part 2
February 20
Lecture 14: Embedded system design flow
- Performance estimation of the application example
- Observing simulated time in SystemC, SpecC
- Pipelining the design-under-test
February 25
Lecture 15: Embedded system design flow
- Project discussion
- Pipelining the design-under-test
- Parallelization of bottle-neck blocks
February 27
Lecture 16: Embedded system design flow
- Modeling of custom hardware components
- Register Transfer Level (RTL) abstraction
- RTL modeling in SpecC SLDL
March 3
Lecture 17: Communication abstractions
- RTL modeling in SystemC SLDL
- Bus-functional modeling (BFM)
- Transaction-level modeling (TLM), 1.0 and 2.0
- SystemC from the ground up
(Part 3)
March 5
Lecture 18: Embedded system design flow
- Project review
- Throughput optimization of the application example
- Software optimizations
- Project wrap-up
March 10 Fri, February 21, 9:30am in ICS 209!
Lecture 19: Unified Modeling Language (UML)
- Unified Modeling Language (UML)
- Goals and overview
- Example diagrams
March 12 Wed, February 26, 9:30am in ICS 209!
Lecture 20: Parallel Discrete Event Simulation
- Discrete Event Simulation (DES)
- Parallel Discrete Event Simulation (PDES)
- Formal execution semantics, time-interval formalism
March 19
Final Exam